Heat Station Troubleshooting

Common Problems

Last Updated: Friday, October 7, 2022


PROBLEM: POWER ON LAMP won't illuminate.
2. Ensure gates are closed and power is on.
3. Check for messages on HMI. Power may be on although the button lamp is burnt out.
4. Check fuses.
5. Check for correct voltages.
6. Check for messages on HMI. Servo communication may have failed or drives be disconnected which will prevent the "Servos ready to power on" relay from enabling.
PROBLEM: Machine won't go into AUTO or STEP cycles.
SOLUTION: 1. Machine is in an error condition; check display for error, reset
2. Control power is not on; see above.
PROBLEM: Glass conveys too far, doesn't line up with Y2 heat lamps.
SOLUTION: 1. "Distance Past Conv Eye 2 to Stop Glass" parameter out of adjustment. Check and adjust as needed
2. Conveyor staged registration photo eye out of adjustment. Check and adjust.
PROBLEM: Glass doesn't convey far enough, doesn't line up with Y2 heat lamps.
SOLUTION: 1. "Distance Past Conv Eye 2 to Stop Glass" parameter out of adjustment. Check and adjust as needed
2. Conveyor staged registration photo eye out of adjustment. Check and adjust.
PROBLEM: Spacer not not reaching temp or is over temp.
SOLUTION: 1. Heating speeds too high or low. Adjust. (See parameters). NOTE: adjust heat lamp intensity and speed to the minimum values that still allow the proper wet-out between the spacer and the glass. Excessive heat can damage the spacer, increase cycle time and reduce bulb life.
2. Heat lamp bulbs burnt or worn out; check and replace.
3. Heat lamps out of alignment with spacer; check physical alignment, servo positions.
4. Servo positions off, not lining heat lamps up with spacer. Check alignment and adjust as necessary.
5. Heat lamp percentages too high or low. Adjust as necessary (see parameters). NOTE: adjust heat lamp intensity and speed to the minimum values that still allow the proper wet-out between the spacer and the glass. Excessive heat can damage the spacer, increase cycle time and reduce bulb life.
6. Temperature sensors not reading correctly, check and adjust.
PROBLEM: Y2 Heat Lamps or shields hit glass on outfeed.
SOLUTION: Heat Station Staged eye or Press2 Infeeding eye flickering or out of adjustment. Check and adjust as necessary.
PROBLEM: Heat Lamp Temperature Control Chiller beeping.
SOLUTION: Stop production; reset any active stations before proceeding.
1. No water pressure at chiller. Make sure chiller has active water pressure at input.
2. Other chiller fault. Check manual for that device.
PROBLEM: Glass breaks or falls off of conveyor.
SOLUTION: Incorrect glass data. Check line data screen.
PROBLEM: Glass will not outfeed
SOLUTION: 1. Station not in auto mode. Put heat station into auto mode.
2. Press2 not in auto mode. Make sure Press2 is in auto mode.
3. Press2 is also waiting for outfeed. Check down line.
4. There is not glass data in the heat station. Check line data.
PROBLEM: Axes seem to jerk from position to position.
SOLUTION: 1. Check AXIS SPEED PARAMETER, may be too high.
PROBLEM: Servo Communication Error
SOLUTION: 1. Normal on power-up. Home.
2. During regular operation, check logic voltage connections.
3. Check ethernet connections, try different patch cables.
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors.
SOLUTION: 1. Normal on power-up. Home.
2. During regular operation, reset. If the problem persists, see below.
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors. Position Error:
SOLUTION: 1. Position error tolerance set too low; see plc program.
2. Axis Torque Limit set too high; check & adjust - note: if the torque limit is set beneath a certain point (determined by the friction & inertia of the mechanical power-train) the motor will not be able to move.
3. Axis Accel / Decel / Speed set too high, check & adjust.
4. Poor Servo Cable connections; check motor & feedback cable connections at both the motor and drive sides.
5. Servo cable failure. Check & replace.
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors. Position Error:
SOLUTION: 1. Position error tolerance set too low; see plc program.
2. Axis Torque Limit set too high; check & adjust - note: if the torque limit is set beneath a certain point (determined by the friction & inertia of the mechanical power-train) the motor will not be able to move.
3. Axis Accel / Decel / Speed set too high, check & adjust.
4. Poor Servo Cable connections; check motor & feedback cable connections at both the motor and drive sides.
5. Servo cable failure. Check & replace (if replacing, consider using 'high flex' cables).
6. Mechanical binding; check & clear.
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors. Feedback Error; Encoder Fault.
SOLUTION: 1. Poor Servo Cable connections; check feedback cable connections at both the motor and drive sides.
2. Servo feedback cable failure. Check & replace (if replacing, consider using 'high flex' cables which are rated by millions of bend cycles.).
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors. Hall Effect Error
SOLUTION: 1. Poor Servo Cable connections; check feedback cable connections at both the motor and drive sides.
2. Servo feedback cable failure. Check & replace (if replacing, consider using 'high flex' cables).
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors. IPM Motor Fault / Over Temp / Over Current Fault
SOLUTION: 1. Poor Servo Cable connections; check motor cable connections at both the motor and drive sides.
2. Servo cable failure; check & replace (if replacing, consider using 'high flex' cables).
3. Drive failure; check and replace.
4. Stray wires shorting out terminals on drive; check and fix as necessary.
5. Binding during homing; check and clear any binding / blockages.
PROBLEM: Anything you can't figure out.