Edge Deleter Troubleshooting

Common Problems

Last Updated: Friday, October 7, 2022


PROBLEM: POWER ON LAMP won't illuminate.
2. Ensure gates are closed and main power is on. The touch screen message banner will display the current status.
3. Replace indicator light.
4. Open the electrical cabinet and identify the e-stop relay. Check the status of CH1IN and CH2IN LEDs. See below.
PROBLEM: E-Stop safety relay won't activate. The POWER LED is not illuminated.
SOLUTION: 1. Check voltage to relay.
2. Check wiring termination and terminal seating.
3. Replace Relay.
PROBLEM: E-Stop safety relay won't activate. Both CH1IN nor CH2IN LEDs are illuminated on the E-Stop relay in the main cabinet.
SOLUTION: 1. Have a qualified electrician or maintenance tech trace the monitoring contacts of the safety relay (Terminals Y1 and Y2) through the normally closed contacts of any auxiliary control contacts. There should be continuity when safety power is off.
2. Have a qualified electrician or maintenance tech trace the safety relay's reset (POWER-ON) circuit.
3. Check wiring termination and terminal seating.
4. Replace Relay.
PROBLEM: E-Stop safety relay won't activate. Neither CH1IN nor CH2IN LEDs are illuminated on the E-Stop relay in the main cabinet.
SOLUTION: 1. Double check that all E-Stops are pulled and guard doors closed.
2. Confirm that SERVOS OK TO POWER ON relay is pulled in (see below).
3. Have a qualified electrician or maintenance tech trace the safety relay's E-Stop device monitoring circuit wires xS11/xS12 and xS21/xS22.
PROBLEM: E-Stop safety relay won't activate. Only one of CH1IN nor CH2IN LEDs is illuminated on the E-Stop relay in the main cabinet.
SOLUTION: 1. One e-stop channel missing. Have a qualified electrician or maintenance tech trace the safety relay's E-Stop device monitoring circuit wires xS11/xS12 and xS21/xS22.
2. One E-Stop channel was delayed but now has continuity. Press E-Stop; Pull out E-Stop and try turning power back on.
3. One E-Stop channel was delayed but now has continuity. Have a qualified electrician or maintenance tech trace the safety relay's E-Stop device monitoring circuit wires xS11/xS12 and xS21/xS22.
PROBLEM: E-Stop safety relay won't activate. SERVOS OK TO POWER ON relay off.
SOLUTION: 1. The SERVOS OK TO POWER ON relay is turned on by the PLC when power is off and the DC bus status of the servos is beneath 50v. This information is delivered to the PLC from the servo drive through ethernet and is displayed on the operator interface on the Axis Status Screen. Wait for power to drain beneath 50v and the press the POWER ON button.
2. PLC not in "Run" mode. Clear any controller faults and return PLC to "Run" mode.
3. PLC Output card failed. Check, replace.
4. Servo Communication is not yet up. Check status of servo drive indicators and ethernet card on PLC.
5. One or more Servo Drives not communicating. Check ethernet cables, switches and servo drives.
PROBLEM: Machine won't go into AUTO or STEP cycles.
SOLUTION: 1. Machine is in an error condition; check display for error, reset or home machine as needed.
2. Control power is not on; see above.
PROBLEM: Glass seems to move around.
SOLUTION: 1. Vacuum cups are dirty or damaged. Check; clean; replace as necessary.
2. Vacuum pump filter clogged or dirty. Check; clean; replace as necessary.
PROBLEM: Frequent LowE Detect Errors on Infeed Conveyor.
SOLUTION: 1. LowE detect probes dirty. Reset machine and clean.
2. Wiring to LowE probes faulty. Check connections.
3. Glass fully not staged in front of LowE probes. Jog glass forward or backward so that it is in front of the probes.
4. Build up of silica sand or other debris preventing clean contact of probes on glass. Blow off area and try reasonably clean glass.
5. Double check actual presence of LowE coating on glass.
6. Data or glass out of order. Check on touch screen and make sure that glass matches expected data. Remove glass or data as necessary.
PROBLEM: Frequent Glass Thickness Errors on Infeed Conveyor.
SOLUTION: 1. Glass not staged in front of glass thickness sensor. Jog glass forward or backward so that it is in front of the sensor.
2. Glass thickness sensor lens dirty or smudged. Blow off or wipe clean with a soft dry lint-free cloth.
3. Textured or obscure glass doesn't measure well. Set current glass type to be ignored in parameter screens
4. Data or glass out of order. Check on touch screen and make sure that glass matches expected data. Remove glass or data as necessary.
PROBLEM: Glass does not stage to INSIDE POSITIONING sensor on Edge Deleter infeed.
SOLUTION: 1. Belt slipping. Check, adjust conveyor positioning as needed.
2. Conveyor Registration Offset out of adjustment. Check and change as needed.
3. Sensor dirty. Clean with a clean dry cloth.
4. Glass tilted away from sensor. Adjust glass positioning on conveyor or infeed glass a second time.
PROBLEM: Glass stages to OUTSIDE POSITIONING sensor on Edge Deleter infeed, error occurs.
SOLUTION: 1. Belt slipping. Check, adjust conveyor positioning as needed.
2. Conveyor Registration Offset out of adjustment. Check and change as needed.
3. Sensor dirty. Clean with a clean dry cloth.
4. Glass tilted away from sensor. Adjust glass positioning on conveyor or infeed glass a second time.
PROBLEM: Multiple pieces of glass slipping through and being sent to next station.
SOLUTION: 1. Glass loaded too close together on Infeed Conveyor. Distance from light to light should be an absolute minimum of 6".
2. Sensor dirty. Clean with a clean dry cloth.
PROBLEM: X or Y registration errors.
SOLUTION: 1. Data may be wrong. Correct if necessary.
2. Wrong glass may have been inserted. Check measurements.
3. The X or Y registration eye may be dirty or malfunctioning. Check be forcing the solenoid valve to extend the eyes with the head over the glass.
4. Glass may not be conveying all they way into the stop. Clean check the conveyor registration photo eye.
5. Build-up of silica sand from glass may be causing inaccurate readings. Blow off easel bed felt top.
PROBLEM: Grinding is not uniform
SOLUTION: 1. The grinding wheel may need to be dressed or replaced.
2. Grinding wheel extend cylinders may be too fast. Adjust flow controls to slow travel so that the wheel does not "bounce" when it makes contact with glass.
2. Grinding wheel extend cylinders pressures may be off. Adjust pressure regulators to achieve lowest pressure setting that still creates enough down pressure to allow grinding wheel to remove LowE coating.
3. Upper grinding wheel not raising enough in corners. Check operation of cylinder brake.
PROBLEM: VFD / Blower / Conveyor doesn't run.
SOLUTION: 1. Check function by manually jogging conveyor from HMI after resetting.
2. Cycle e-stop power.
3. Check for missing data, glass.
4. Check part present sensors.
5. Check fuses
6. Check ethernet cable connections and routers.
7. On recently replaced hardware, confirm all parameters are correctly entered and the IP address is correct and not overlapping existing active addresses. Check data link parameters (Powerflex 525s: C153-C160)
PROBLEM: Axes seem to jerk from position to position.
PROBLEM: Servo Communication Error
SOLUTION: 1. Normal on power-up. Home.
2. During regular operation, check logic voltage connections.
3. Check ethernet connections, try different patch cables. Look for IO faults on PLC's LED indicators.
4. Make sure that all servo drives controlled by PLC are powered on. Note some servo drives may be in the cabinet of other machines.
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors.
SOLUTION: 1. Normal on main cabinet power-up. Home.
2. During regular operation, reset. If the problem persists, see below.
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors. Position Error:
SOLUTION: 1. Position error tolerance set too low; see plc program.
2. Axis Torque Limit set too high; check & adjust - note: if the torque limit is set beneath a certain point (determined by the friction & inertia of the mechanical power-train) the motor will not be able to move.
3. Axis Accel / Decel / Speed set too high, check & adjust.
4. Poor Servo Cable connections; check motor cable connections at both the motor and drive sides.
5. Servo cable failure. Check & replace.
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors. Position Error:
SOLUTION: 1. Position error tolerance set too low; see plc program.
2. Axis Accel / Decel / Speed set too high, check & adjust.
3. Poor Servo Cable connections; check motor cable connections at both the motor and drive sides.
4. Servo cable failure. Check & replace (if replacing, consider using 'high flex' cables).
5. Mechanical binding; check & clear.
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors. Feedback Error; Encoder Fault.
SOLUTION: 1. Poor Servo Cable connections; check cable connections at both the motor and drive sides.
2. Servo feedback cable failure. Check & replace (if replacing, consider using 'high flex' cables which are rated by millions of bend cycles.).
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors. Hall Effect Error
SOLUTION: 1. Poor Servo Cable connections; check feedback cable connections at both the motor and drive sides.
2. Servo feedback cable failure. Check & replace (if replacing, consider using 'high flex' cables).
PROBLEM: Frequent Servo Errors. IPM Motor Fault / Over Temp / Over Current Fault
SOLUTION: 1. Poor Servo Cable connections; check motor cable connections at both the motor and drive sides.
2. Servo cable failure; check & replace (if replacing, consider using 'high flex' cables).
3. Drive failure; check and replace.
4. Stray wires shorting out terminals on drive; check and fix as necessary.
5. Binding or interference during homing; check and clear any binding / blockages. Note: a servo axis must NEVER be able to move so that the home sensor is on the "wrong" side of the home flag.
PROBLEM: Servo Error: Duplicate address found.
SOLUTION: Another device has been added to the network with the same IP address. Check for recent additions. Isolate and track down using "ping" and other computer tools. Cycle power.
PROBLEM: Anything you can't figure out.